Hi aIl,
re: accuracy
I've noticed that there is a difference from the yahoo imagery to what the
GeoBase / CanVec data shows. This is due in part by;
1 - yahoo imagery might be slightly off.  (it's not the best in the world...
we all know that)
2 - there is a 10 meter accuracy from the original GPS device that was used
to create the GeoBase/CanVec data, as well as the Ortho or vector process
has a degree of in accuracy.
3 - there is a known error with GPS accuracy also. .. sometimes elevation
makes a difference.

So here's the solution, if your working on the area, and see that the ways
are off. .. please DON'T change them, UNLESS your adding something to
improve on the map. .. ie. adding more feature information.  If your just
moving the road because you see it's  shown that way from Yahoo. And you
think it's right.  (see point 1) .. that info isn't always accurate.   IF
your local area city hall would free-up the images, you'll see that it's
much better detail.
So the same goes for the geoabase/CanVec data that is being imported.
I'm only moving the OSM ways, when adding more stuff.   Ie. like a bench, or
a sign.  If my way point was on the wrong side of the road; i then open up
the geobaseNRN road file, and view that as an underlay to the current layer,
and slide just the couple parts of that way over to where it 'should' be.
Most  likely, I'm just moving it over less than 10 meters to 1 side.   This
way, were making the map better... as well as not interfering with someones
hard work.

Splitting ways:
When adding in relations, its needed to cut the ways in pieces, so that the
bus route or cycle route can wind it's way through suburbia.   So please
don't connect ways, just because you want the render to make it show up
nicer.   Adding a relation for the road would be better.  ... but that's
still in discussion phase (i think).

I was thinking about creating a new tag for this.  As each of our roads are
naturally made up of sections.   If you see the top right part of many
residential road signs, you see a number, usually it says your on the '1200'
block or the '1300' block.
So in a sense, that road segment, could be called "1200 Front Street", ...
or "1200 block" or 'Front Street 1200 block". ... which also part of the
series of roads called 'Front street'.   Think of it as a 'name2', or
Any ideas?  I didn't make a wiki for it.   but it would be nice to see what
block number your on.  Or perhaps there is already a way?
(I'm just trying to figure out how to deal with the address data that we
have available that is in the form of 'address:1st/last/left right.) ... a
difficult puzzle indeed. :)

Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails

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