Currently we seem to be at the point where some on the mailing list feel there wasn't enough discussion on talk-ca before the import.

Quebec I think we should put on one side until theQuebec mappers feel more comfortable.

Nate I feel has been involved in a smaller import before and in that case there was benefit by simplifying the outlines.  In this case verifying nothing gets screwed up adds to the cost.

Buildings not absolutely square, yes but different GIS systems use different accuracy so if the incoming data has a few more decimal places then rounding will occur which can lead to minor inaccuracies. I feel the simplest is just to leave them.  Selecting everything and squaring is really a mechanical edit and you can get some odd results which again would need to be carefully compared and adds to the workload.

California Steve has put forward some proposals in the 2020 page of the wiki which to me amount to minor variations on what we were doing.  The intent always was to involve local mappers but locating them is not always easy.

The 2020 project is about not only adding building outlines but also about enriching the tags on them and that to me is more important.

I'm not hearing specific concerns which can be addressed and I'd like to hear them.

So question to Daniel Begin, Andrew Lester and Pierre what can we do to improve the project?

Is there anything else people would like to discuss about either the 2020 project or the building outline import?

Thanks John

Danny McDonald wrote on 2019-01-26 9:55 AM:
Personally, I'm eager to re-start importing, but I'd like to hear what Nate has to offer.  Nate, are you OK with the wiki import process as written?  If not, are there specific things you want changed?  The current process is the one Yaro followed, although John and I basically did the same thing (I didn't always replace existing building footprints unless the geometry was really bad).  It doesn't seem that the building data has been simplified, although this should be an easy fix.

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