On 5/24/09, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-05-24 at 15:19 -0700, Sam Vekemans wrote:
>> Oops, looks like all of Steve's work in Ontario needs to be reverted. lol
>> :-)
> Dear Sam,
> You are dead wrong and you are exposing OpenStreetMap to unnecessary
> legal risk.  "Because others are using the gpx files" is not legal
> permission.
> Credits are up for GeoBase, CanVec and StatCan and I have a paper trail
> to back it up.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Attribution
> Go and revert your uploads that depend on gpx files for which you have
> no permission.  You can upload them again if you get permission.  Let me
> know when you have done this and send me a link to your change sets.  By
> tonight will be best.
> Best regards,
> Richard
> cc: data team at OpenStreetMap Foundation

Note: 'lol' means 'laugh out loud'.
(openstreetmap is supposed to be FUN)

I'm well aware of details :) (hence, being super cautious with CanVec)

So, Opps, i mixed the steps up. My bad. :( ... i now pressed the
delete button, and fixed.

I'll also go and scold who ever traced tct data. I think it was in
northern Sask. But i'll find it.
A search for 'source=trans canada trail' should find it. ... (kidding,
i'll ask that user about it, if i find it and get to the bottom of
this mess)

Im thinking maybe would it be better if i (temporarly) remove the wiki
page of Trans Canada Trail also?

But its More fun to blame Google Earth for being TOO usefull. :)

Ya, I do sense your frustration with me. Having 2 years of mapping
roads that could have been imported if agreement was made earlier. ...
Having the free data is great, but just like with TCT, how so much
time was spent making the PDF maps, only to find out know that i can
make an identical map, with national data & in real-time. ... (that's
probably why their not jumping for joy at the TCT foundation eithor).
 (I wouldn't want work i spent 2 years working on, get volunteerly
deleted, even if i had to delete it myself knowing that the imported
data could be better.)   ...   (I even feel bad for deleting my own
work i spent all morning putting in.. and 6 clicks, and upload, and
it's all gone)

So in conclusion, we find that ... Its true with all industries that
the more education you have, the smarter you can be at selling. ...
And people will still buy Topo Canada. ... just like i did. ... and
the end result / reality is that if we give away everything for free,
we also take that profit away.  ... but the overall satisfaction that
more people will benifit from a 'legally free and everyone can use'
map, is worth this effort, and MUCH greater. :)

 My bets is that Google will eventually stop using NavTeq maps and use
OSM, and follow the OSM guidelines.  As we certainly have passionate
people willing todo what it takes to keep the integrity of this map.
Thanks Richard :)

Anyway, on a side note, would a OSM Canada Foundation be needed tobe
created?, so to work i conjunction with the Trans Canada Trail
Foundation? and maybe to work with NRCan, Geobase, also? .. then the
trickle down would be working with each provinces trails
organizations, and regional and local cycling organizations. (as they
are all Foundations) with the goal of making trails accessible etc..
... just a thought.

Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails

cc: data team at OpenStreetMap Foundation
cc: talk-ca list

>> i just edited the 'potential data sources' page. it looks like we need
>> to get that 'statsCAN' page made too. :-)
>> Have a super day, i think its sunny in T.O. Too? .. But Victoria is nicer
>> IMO.
>> cheers,
>> Sam
>> On 5/24/09, Sam Vekemans <acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Good point. ..
>> > actually, many people have already been using the TCT websites GPX
>> > tracks,
>> > as the Trans Canada Trail wiki has been up for some time now.  And I
>> > think
>> > it's as long as the source is put to "Trans Canada Trail" or
>> > "tctrail.ca"
>> > website, then it's fine.
>> > But ya, i'll actually call them and see (I'll check in my email archives
>> > also). before i add any more. (and add it to potential datasources list)
>> >
>> > And on the same note, i think that the GeoBase / Canvec definitions need
>> > to
>> > be fixed, as CanVec and GeoBase are both products of "Natural Resources
>> > Canada" from the "GeoGratis.ca" portal....  all with that same licence.
>> > So
>> > technically, the source should be "NRCan" rather than GeoBase.  Only
>> > select
>> > features of the CanVec set are also in the geoBase set, hence the tag
>> > "geobase=yes" that i use.  So maybe a separate page for "CanVec" needs
>> > to
>> > be
>> > created, so to clear up the confusion.
>> > GeoBase.ca / CanVec / GeoGratis.ca / NRCan... needs to be more clearly
>> > shown.
>> >
>> > Perhaps have a section of the page with a copy of an official
>> > representative
>> > saying "yes you can"?
>> >
>> > Anyway, currently TrailsBC is trying to figure it out.  ... But TrailsBC
>> > is
>> > a 'partner' of the 'Trans Canada Trail Foundation' ... so a separate
>> > relation needs to be made to show all the different trails of TrailsBC.
>> > ..
>> > then sub relations for each region.
>> >
>> > ... And BTW, i met with the Southwest TrailsBC coorfinator to try to
>> > explain
>> > OpenStreetMap.  And yes, TrailsBC is aware that their current method of
>> > trying to keep uptodate with all the trail changes is not sustainable.
>> > ..
>> > Thus, each director using OSM and editing these tags, will be of HUDGE
>> > benifit. ... so they already have a need.  Now it's upto me when im in
>> > cranbrook to share a brief overview of how you go from collecting raw
>> > GPS
>> > tracks to editing the map, and examples.   (That's why im working on
>> > that
>> > area now :)
>> >
>> > Oh ya, i also shared the link to your blog about 'what is a mapping
>> > party?'
>> > so hopefully that helps them lift the fog i created :)
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Sam
>> >
>> > P.S. Feel free to revert if you dont like it there ... it's a wiki :)
>> > During this week it'll be fixed anyway.
>> >
>> > On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 2:14 PM, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com>
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >> On Sun, 2009-05-24 at 13:45 -0700, Sam Vekemans wrote:
>> >> > from
>> >> > http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/acrosscanadatrails/diary/6419
>> >> >
>> >> > Adding Trans Canada Trail in Cranbrook & Kimberley
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > Im adding more traces from Tracks that i did back in summer 2007, as
>> >> > well as from the tracks from the tctrail.ca website.
>> >> > AFAIK, it's fine to trace. .. but i use extra caution, and tagged
>> >> > with
>> >> > the source, because i wasn't that person who made the tracks.
>> >>
>> >> Sam,
>> >>
>> >> The import guidelines are here.
>> >>
>> >> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Guidelines
>> >>
>> >> Please follow the guidelines.  What you wrote above suggests that you
>> >> did not get explicit permission to use the tracks.  Do they have  a
>> >> license or terms of use posted?  Please revert your changes until you
>> >> confirm that you have permission to use this source.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >

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