Hi Richard (& cc: talk-ca)

Looking through the geogratis website, i came across the great database
containig all the protected areas in Canada.
As listed in the Atlas of Canada.


here's the download page, and has a link to the .doc documentation file.


Because it's all part of GeoGratis.ca i'm confident that we have permission
to use this SHP file.

Hopefully you'll be able to send off an email to

*i...@atlas.gc.ca*  And get an "official" responce, so then it can be posted
on the wiki Canada page. (I could do that myself, but i think you would be
able to communicate it better than i can :-)

I took a look at the file, and it's not that big (9.49megs), considering it
only includes protected areas over

Processing included selecting those protected areas where the total area was
1000 hectares or larger, and correlating the polygons to the Canadian
Conservation Area Database data.

I havent yet made the .OSM file for it, and (of course) willl have it
available for review.   (I just started the rules.txt file ... but i have
otherstuff on the go, as you know)
The upload process would be the same as the all the others (the standar buk
import process).

If someone else want to go ahead (and spear head this thing) and go through
the process of import.  PLEASE let me  know (email me directly) :)  ... I'd
recommend importing it slowely, doing only a few polygons at a time.
Otherwise, it's on my list of things todo.

Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails
Talk-ca mailing list

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