I created a Fixme MapCSS style that highlights objects with Fixme attributes 
and Unnamed roads, using colors.  Various colored layers may be surimpose. For 
example, we can see that a road is both unnamed and contains a Fixme 
attribute.  This style is described at 

The Fixme style is now available in the JOSM editor Mappaint list of styles. To 
load the style into the JOSM editor, we select the Mappaint preferences. We 
reload the list of available styles and select the style named HIGHLIGTH FIXME 
ATTRIBUTE. This style gives very good results combined with the Potlatch2 style.

I created a Fixme Sample file to show how Fixme attributes and Unnamed roads 
are highlighted. See the fixme-style-example.osm file attached.

MapCSS Styles are very handy when editing in JOSM or other editors. This
 Style could eventually be updated to highlights other warnings. Your 
comments are welcome.


Attachment: fixme-style-example.osm
Description: Binary data

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