I just discovered that some municipalities in South Tyrol made their GIS data 
available in the internet. The list is available under [1] (the website is 
available in Italian and German).

At least one municipality (Eppan/Appiano) made all the data completely public 
domain (the enactment is available at [2]): 
DE "[...] wurde festgelegt, dass die im Eigentum der Gemeinde Eppan a.d.W. 
stehenden und im Internet veröffentlichten Daten frei und kostenlos genutzt und 
verteilt werden können."
IT "[...] è stato deciso che i dati di proprietà del Comune di Appiano s.S.d.V. 
pubblicati in internet possono essere utilizzati e divulgati liberamente e 

Eppan/Appiano also made all data downloadable as shapefiles ([3]).

Now I'm not so sure what to do with all the data. I'm also confused a little 
bit, because of the fact that the provincial government is in possession of 
similar data which is not completely free to use, unfortunately (see discussion 
at [4])... It is also difficult the terms of usage for the data of the other 

However, it seems to be a great chance to bring the mapping process in South 
Tyrol a big step forward. 
Does anyone know the procedure how to work such data into OSM?

Best wishes, 

[1] http://gis.gvcc.net/WebGis/02/catalog.jsp
[2] http://data.gvcc.net/pdf/004_2006_a_0204.pdf
[4] http://www.mail-archive.com/talk-de@openstreetmap.org/msg38215.html

PS: I posted this in the Italian as well as the German mailing-list, as the 
South-Tyroleans seem to be active in both of them. Feel free to answer in 
Italian or German in the respective lists.

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