You will have to write parser unit for your source. Like for Latvia I made
one which read format like area->area->.....area->Street->building
Sotmthing like this:

<?xml version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <area type="Country" name="Latvija">
    <area type="City" name="Rīga ">
      <street name="Nīcgales iela">
        <a p="1 /">
      <street name="Daugavgrīvas iela">
        <a p="31 /">
  <area type="Region" name="Kocēnu nov.">
    <area type="Town" name="Zilupe ">
    <area type="Sub region" name="Kocēnu pag.">
      <street name="Dārza iela">
        <a p="1 /">
    <area type="Sub region" name="Vaidavas pag.">

But still main point of discusion is, what will be plugins object model to
store all received address data. Here I put discusion about this we did with

Anyway project is mainly in discusion phase now, so any input on design is

2011. gada 19. maijs 09:53 Jaak Laineste <> rakstīja:

> Thank you Gints!
>  JOSM plugin would be much better than separate scripts. Can you explain a
> bit how does it work and how can it be extended?
>  For Estonia we have two original official data sources :
>   - "X-tee" (Estonian official central API for state registers) XML
> requests via pretty heavy infrastructure. We don't use this, but this is the
> ultimate official info
>   - monthly updated ADS (address registry) database extracts as bunch of
> .csv files in FTP site of Maaamet. We use this.
> I have two-step processing of the DB extracts:
> 1) Importing them to Postgres database (no transoformation, so it is easy
> to update).
> 2) PHP script to request data from postgres and output .OSM as point
> nodes:
> Both my scripts are in:
> So there are several options from to get data for the plugin:
> 1) maaamet .csv files . Original ones, but these are in password-protected
> FTP site, and are pretty big (some 700 MB uncompressed) and we use only some
> specific fields from it.
> 2) give direct SQL access to the postgres database API.
> 3) use generated .OSM files with nodes
> 4) create some new better light API between postgres and plugin (some
> pbf-based)
> How to you feed data for LT and CZ?
> Jaak
> On 19.05.2011, at 9:28, Gints Polis wrote:
> May be this is useful. We with czech address plugin developers started new
> project for JOSM address plugin.
> Idea is:
> * Plugin will be able to get address information from different sources
> depending on country settings.
> * It will use downladed information to check/correct/enter address tags for
> downloaded region
> * Each country can make they own implementations on numbering system and
> house nummber assignement using plugin code as core
> As I understund you think about somthing like this. If it is, I purpose
> work on this problem together.
> Gints
> 2011/5/18 Joosep-Georg Järvemaa <>
>> Failis dva_37_651_6694.osm.gz on mingi andmeviga, proovisin mitu korda
>> erinevate programmidega alla laadida.
>> --
>> Joosep-Georg
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> Ginc
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