Reboto esto desde Talk por que creo que debemos tenerlo presente y surge de
las reunión que hicieron en el SoTM de Bruselas y al que asistieron varios
de los miembros de nuestra comunidad.

Un saludo

*Miguel Sevilla-Callejo*
Doctor en Geografía

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: joost schouppe <>
Date: 16 November 2016 at 08:40
Subject: [OSM-talk] local community builders, unite?
To: Talk Openstreetmap <>


It took me a while, but based on all the input we got for the Local
Communities Panel at State of the Map Brussels, I wrote a diary [1] entry
on building local mapping communities. I focused on the stuff the people
who couldn't make it to SotM contributed.

It has two main subjects:
- sharing what has (or hasn't) worked for us
- stuff that the global community could really help us with

Even though I got some positive feedback at the diary page and on twitter
[2], I'm afraid something like this will have very little impact unless we
follow up on it.

At the Local Chapters congress during SotM Brussels, it was quite clear
that a lot of people did have the energy to keep stuff like this visible.
But where are you now? How can we keep working together?

For the sharing experience part, I suppose we should build in the wiki.
For the needed features, I think we need to be able to make some
propositions as some sort of group. And for that, we'd need some kind of
channel. Any suggestions?


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