
Un message d'amitié et de solidarité, et un "tagging" symbolique de la
part des contributeurs OpenStreetMap de par le monde.

Merci André.


-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet :         [Tagging] Friendliness with attacked mapped places in Paris
Date :  Sat, 14 Nov 2015 17:14:57 +0100
De :    André Pirard <>
Répondre à :    Tag discussion, strategy and related tools
Pour :  Tag discussion, strategy and related tools
<>, OpenStreetMap Belgium


OpenstreetMap often extends friendliness by humanitarian tagging.
In this case of desolation, there is little to tag.  Little...
Wikipedia have been extremely fast
<> in all
languages !!!
After some mourning period, the note below may be replaced by this (but
Attentats du 13 novembre 2015 en Île-de-France

I have just uploaded this change set (scroll down the left pane):
Our deepest condolences about the horrible terrorist attacks that
happened here on 2015-11-13.
It adds the following note <>
to the OSM elements at the 6 attacked locations.
(they were perfectly mapped, bravo)
> Nos plus sincères condoléances à propos des monstrueuses attaques
> terroristes qui ont eu lieu ici le 2015-11-13. Vous avez l'amitié de
> tous les contributeurs à OpenStreetMap de par le monde.
In their language.  Sorry no room for added English in <256 characters. 
Translates to:
Our deepest condolences about the horrible terrorist attacks that
happened here on 2015-11-13.
Receive the friendship of all the Openstreetmap contributors around the

Please forward this to other concerned OSM mailing lists.
Please let me know any change you come to an agreement with.
I will make any change easily using my *.osm file.

By Monday, you may like to send the URL to the Press.
It won't be bad advertising for OpenStreetMap to show the places and to
join the world's cry .
But let us hope that vandalism will not be added to terrorism.



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