
Inspired by Robert Scott's recent excellent work 
( I thought I'd tidy up my own 
script and make it more robust.

The result is oslVosm:

Rather than parse the entire country, this script is designed for smaller 
sections (such as cities or districts). It checks whether an OS Locator road 
waypoint fits inside any OSM highway bounding boxes (generated by the script) 
of the particular area in question. If so, it tries to do some name matching, 
to see if the exact name exists, or if there might be a slight spelling error. 
An area the size of Bath takes about 20 seconds to process.

The script can output a variety of file types with information about the 
missing roads  (assuming OSL is 100% correct, of course...). These are: GPX 
(can be used in JOSM); KML (for Google Earth and a layer on an OpenLayers web 
application); WIKI - this is a file containing a formatted wiki-table, ready 
for copy/pasting to the wiki.

Anyway, just thought I'd share. I'm currently using it in and around Bath, and 
the results look promising.


P.S. If anyone was using my previous scripts which I'd put up on the wiki, I 
strongly recommend switching to oslVosm as it's far more robust! Up to you 

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