Hi All,

The Call for Presentations for State of the Map 2013 closes Monday*. If
you've not yet submitted your presentation proposal please act quickly.


I posted some ideas in recent SotM blog posts to get you thinking. These

   - What new tools and techniques are available, and how have they changed
   the way you contribute data to OpenStreetMap?
   - How could OpenStreetMap change in order to better meet the needs of
   our data users (individuals, companies, public sector and charity
   - What does good "data clean-up" look like and what is going too far?
   - Do you attend a local OpenStreetMap community group? How can others
   set up something similar where they live?
   - How does maintaining our existing data differ from creating new data,
   and do we have all the tools we need to do this?
   - Should OpenStreetMap be doing more PR and press releases? How can we
   increase the membership of the Communications Working Group?
   - Indoor mapping - do we need a new dedicated editor? Should the data be
   held in a separate (but linked) database? (see e.g. Bing maps)
   - Conflation (map merging) involves combining map data from separate
   sources. What tools are you already using to help merge open data with
   OpenStreetMap? What tools are we still missing?

There's also this SWOT Analysis of OSM that might help inspire you:


See you all in September,

(* Note that you will be able to continue to submit Posters after this date)
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