I've been trying to tidy up some admin boundaries, using Relation Analyzer
to find gaps. As far as I can tell all the upper tier authorities
(non-districts) in England are there now, and form complete polygons.

For a while I was stumped by what seemed to be some gaps around Nottingham.
It turned out they weren't gaps at all. The same relation was assigned twice
to the same way - once with "enclave" set, and once without. (Nottingham is
rightly shown as an enclave in Nottinghamshire).

This happened on some of the ways that make up the boundary of Nottingham,
but not on others. 


I seem to have fixed it using Potlatch to remove the relation, then add it
back in again. Not difficult, but fiddly.

My questions are (A) Should this happen (surely not) and (B) Have I done the
right thing?

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