> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Mackenzie [mailto:a.macken...@bethere.co.uk]
> Sent: 18 May 2012 18:41
> To: Stuart Harrison; Stuart Lester; Philip John; Pete Does Web Things; A J
> Robinson; Matt Williams; Rob Nickerson; mike; Adrian Short
> Subject: Eventbrite, revised page
> Hi all
> Eventbrite booking for the Mapping Workshop is open
> http://mapitude2012.eventbrite.co.uk/
> It would be useful if you could confirm by booking there. So far only
> me, though some of you have confirmed to me.
> I have revised the event blog page http://take21.org/blog/?page_id=1463
> It now shows three tracks: for developers, user groups and beginners.
> Paul Bradshaw is going to come and has been collecting data about disabled
> access to olympic facilities, so there is a topical data journalism angle
> complements Alison Smith's work on disabled access. We might ask the OSM
> community to do some surveying for this.
> On the page it says 'awesome new thing', which looks made up, but it's
> something I saw yesterday at the geomob event at UCL. It's Taarifa
> http://www.taarifa.org/main I'm talking with the developers and they are
> hopeful one of them will be able to come and talk about it.
> Andrew

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