I'm keeping an eye over the whole of the HS2 Phase 1 route between Euston
and Lichfield for major updates but it would helpful if those closest to
their patch of the route could help by keeping an eye out for changes to the
landscape that need map updates; I appreciate some will be doing this
already. You can find out what's happening on a week by week basis for a
given area/county by subscribing to the news feeds at


Currently the only work going on are principally three aspects of enabling

1.       Building demolition (or prep for same) - most noticeably at Euston,
Old Oak Common, in Birmingham and at the main tunnel portals.

2.       Archaeology - all along the route and other areas which will fall
under construction eventually.

3.       Major utility diversions.


The construction of the rail route itself including all structures, stations
and depots won't commence until the end of the year at the earliest.


Currently the main elements of the Phase 1 route including those areas
compulsory purchased (vesting declarations) are sitting under one OSM



There is also a wiki page where you can record major events/changes 





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