
I've been working on a couple of OSM-Related things, on-and-off, for a
while, and I'm happy to announce that I've just released version 1.0
of both.

Healthware [1] is a web site that uses the API & XAPI to find
pharmacies (and, later, will also find hospitals). It's designed to
run on any size screen, from the tiny little screen of my phone, to a
full-sized monitor. Where the opening_hours tag [2] has been added, it
can work out whether a pharmacy is currently open or not. Source code
is released under an MIT licence [3].

Secondly, OSM-Atlas [4] is a PHP command-line script that uses a .osm
file to create an atlas. It creates a PDF file, with front & back
covers, overview map, detailed map pages, and index pages. This is
also released under an MIT Licence [5].


[1] http://www.mappage.org/hw/
[2] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:opening_hours
[3] http://www.mappage.org/hw/healthware.tar.gz
[4] http://www.mappage.org/atlas/
[5] http://www.mappage.org/atlas/osm-atlas.tar.gz

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