Andy T,

By "default menus" I mean those background layers that appear for normal
folk who just go to and click edit (be that in ID, JOSM, Potlatch).
Basically those people who do not spend the time, or have the know-how to
add a new layer in JOSM's menus, or add a custom URL in ID. I'm also ruling
out people who set up their own instance of ID/Potlatch/whatever. As noted
editor-imagery-index was designed to unify the background layers across

By "damaging the community" I mean, we are essentially saying to all the
people who have scanned and georectifed maps (be they individual or
organisations like NLS), "thanks for your work be we don't see it as
relevant to OSM, we are therefore going to make it hard for community
members to use your layers as they will have to fist figure out how to add
the layer to their editor of choice".

I know your issue (about the menus in ID) is important but I do hope you
can see that we are talking about two different things here. I have changed
the subject of the email to reflect this as what pnorman is proposing
affects more than just ID.

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