Would anyone like to promote OpenStreetMap at a major geodata event in London 
next week.
The Society of Cartographers (SoC) have a stand at the London Geodata event on 
3 Dec and for the last 3 years have had an OSMer working in tandem.
It is a great networking event, where many of the main players in the mapping 
and data sector are present.
Currently I am scheduled to cover the day for SoC with a colleague but we would 
love to have an OSMer with us to concentrate on opendata mapping.
Please have a look at the link and if you feel you could offer a half day shift 
then contact myself.
Entry is free and will be registered by us as 3rd SoC person as we have paid 
the stand fee.


Steve Chilton FSEDA, Teaching Fellow
Lead Academic Developer
Centre for Academic Practice Enhancement (CAPE)
Middlesex University [normal working days Mon-Wed]
phone: 020 8411 5355       email: ste...@mdx.ac.uk<mailto:ste...@mdx.ac.uk>
CAPE on the MDX 
The latest Workshop schedule available 
here<http://mdx.mrooms.net/mod/resource/view.php?id=237910>. CAPE Staff 
Development Portal info <http://mdx.mrooms.net/mod/page/view.php?id=238381>
Do you have a special request? Please complete our Bespoke session form 

Profile: http://www.middlesex.wikispaces.net/user/view/steve8
Blog: http://itsahill.wordpress.com/
Chair of the Society of Cartographers: http://www.soc.org.uk/
Chair of ICA Neocartography Commission: http://neocartography.icaci.org/



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