On Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 12:16:34PM -0000, Andy Robinson wrote:
> If you are using JOSM you can use the "Unglue Ways" from the Tools menu. This 
> will duplicate the nodes to make the two overlapping ways independent. Don't 
> know if this functionality is available in other editors.
I use josm and use the "Unglue ways" as my primary tool when encountering
these problems. But, as I said originally, it is still a huge pain :-)

I hit this sort of thing when updating rivers and streams which are
usually very poorly mapped. I find a boundary running along the
waterway, with some external source tag. It is quite likely the the
boundary is defined as following the stream/river, but how do I know?
And how should I update the source tag on the boundary if I have moved
it? It is a great time sink and makes me think that there are better
things to do.

Another frequent problem is where hedges and fields share nodes with
roads. Again, something that is just plain wrong when one has reasonably
accurate survey data. And very painful to correct.

Likewise for wooded areas that others have mentioned. 

Maybe editors should by default never share nodes, and require explicit
actions surrounded with warnings, to allow coincident ways to share
nodes -  apart from the obvious exceptions like junctions ?


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