I'm pleased to announce that West Sussex County Council have just made live a new CycleStreets/OSM-based cycle journey planner:


We are about to approach Local Authorities around the country to encourage them to commission similar embedded planners, to help raise funds towards making the (not-for-profit) CycleStreets project self-financing, or to encourage them to link to CycleStreets. A brochure is due to go to press shortly, and a demo site is at: http://cyclemap.placeford.org/ .

We'd welcome help to gather the contact details for cycling/transport officers around the country, and so have set up a crowd-sourcing tool for this. Please kindly spend a few minutes adding the details for your area:


Read more, including a taster of the cover, at:

Martin,                     **  CycleStreets - For Cyclists, By Cyclists
Developer, CycleStreets     **  http://www.cyclestreets.net/

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