OK - I've just finished working down the list for the WR page, and have
actually added more schools than were flagged as missing, but I think
part of that was because the location data for the post codes did not
tie with a number of premises. So this may result in a few miss matched

One thing I need to tidy up is where there are multiple sites in some
cases across postcodes, so the primary site has an edubase ref linked to
the main school in another postcode area. I've tagged every part of a
set of school sites with the correct edubase reference, and I think that
this should be used as an initial match? This also overrides the
situation where the edubase title does not match the name used on the site?

The other block of non-matched sites are given by institutions which are
not managed via edubase listings. I've flagged the 'Morton Fire College'
and now have a couple of schools in Worcester such as the 'Elgar School
of Music' and 'Worcester Snoezelen' which I've tagged as
ref:edubase='not listed' but I think perhaps some other tag should be
used to show that an amenity=school object has be checked and is correct?

The one query I think I need to create is one which flags schools that
are missing a edubase reference. While all the schools are now listed, I
know some do not have a full tag set including street, postcode. edubase
and website.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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