I have welcomed the release of Ordnance Survey open data especially Street 
View.  I would have liked them to release Mastermap and Address Layer 2, but 
keeping within realms of likelihood good so far.

I posted about it at:

I used the OSM Word Press plug-in to display example of
The Ordnance Survey 'Street View' tiles served up from OSM servers. 

I did it with this code in my post:

[osm_map long="-1.51" lat="53.82" control="scaleline,scale" zoom="15" 
width="500" height="450" extmap_type="OSM" extmap_name="UK_OS_StreetView_Map" 
extmap_init="numZoomLevels: 17, transitionEffect: 'resize', sphericalMercator: 
true" type="ext"]

I have put 'Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 
2010' with link to license underneath map but I would like to replace 'Data by 
CC By-CC by OpenStreetMap' within map itself. The author of plugin says future 
version may have this ability.


I intend also to look into directly embed Ordnance Survey Street View  
in Wordpress blog using the OS Open Space API
which uses original tiles.

I have similerly used the wordpress pluging to display the Surrey Aerial 

I did it with this code in my post:

[osm_map long="-0.59" lat="lat=51.24" control="scaleline,scale" zoom="15" 
width="500" height="450" extmap_type="OSM" extmap_name="Surrey_Aerial_Photo" 
extmap_init="numZoomLevels: 21, transitionEffect: 'resize', sphericalMercator: 
true" type="ext"]

I got OS Street View as layer in JOSM with custom WMS layer but found can be a 
bit unreliable in a minority of sessions. I think it will be very useful but I 
myself still intend to usealong with visits using GPS traces & local 
knowledge. It can be useful prompt to fill in gaps. In area there a quite a 
few branches of short road that are so short almost private drives in feel 
when going on them. I did go up them with GPS but felt odd doing to. Somehow 
the GPS did not record and was never sure when I would get round to doing them 
again so I just have added them from Street View. I may add a few principal 
building outlines of building I know, as in many cases seem just as good as 
Aerial photos. & good to compare combinations.

The coastal high tide mark seems quite accurate from where I followed path 
that was just above it, and is much better then what had at that stretch at 
the moment. Streams & outlines of woods seem pretty good from where I 
intesected them or followed them with GPS. And in cases I have looked better 
then the NPE traces have at moment, which I see not reason not to realign 
where obviously much better.





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