Now, as opposed to when Rob's survey was done, I'd think a UK render would be 

However, I voted this to be less important for a UK chapter, because I feel 
that the limited number of meetups I've been to have a tendency to default to 
techy talk rather than encouraging mappers (and how to handle complex schemas 
in the wiki)

The number one job of a UK group should be encouraging both more mappers to 
join and stay, and to encourage more (appropriate) mapping. Defaulting to 
conversations in Ruby or whatever doesn't help.

Meanwhile, I actually want a style based on 1st series OS with hachures. 
Selfishly, this is because the default hillshading sun direction (?Northwest?) 
hides many steep hills in my area, e.g. North Downs ridge, whereas the hachure 
maps have no sun direction but show slopes wherever they occur. 

One thing might help in the present issues though - because 1st series was 
black and white, road importance was distinguished by both thickness (in some 
cases supposed to be representative of actual width) but also the road edges 
have differing thicknesses. The differing importance of roads are clear to the 

Paul Bivand (paulbiv)

On Sunday 01 Nov 2015 12:17:06 wrote:
> Tangentially from the "we want our old colours back" discussion, I
> recently had a go** at showing "stuff that's more useful"* at lower zooms:
> that roughly corresponds to
> .  At this zoom level
> it's essentially a subset of what OSM Carto use to show.
> However I'm not convinced that "route planning" is a sensible addition
> to what the "standard map" is supposed to show; it already has a fairly
> impossible job specification (show everything to provide mapper
> feedback, but still "look nice").  If you want a "route planning" map
> then (for now at least) use MQ Open
> which at
> this zoom works really well.
> With regard to whether there's a place for a "UK standard" style, Rob's
> survey back in August (see
> and
> s6lU/edit?pli=1 ) had that as one of the lower priorities.  If someone
> creates a map style that works here and people use it, great, but it won't
> happen on its own and any number of mailing list posts won't make it happen
> either.  Lots of people already use "their own" map styles, and there's
> no "correct" answer to most of the questions a new style has to answer-
> see the difference between
> and
> , for one example of two solutions to the same problem.
> There are already lots of available maps using OSM data, including 5
> different ones on the site itself.  To complain that the colours
> on one of them have changed (after substantial discussion on github, in
> numerous mailing list posts and lots and lots of OSM diary entries) is
> to miss the point somewhat.
> Cheers,
> Andy (SomeoneElse)
> * here in the UK.  It's not intended as a suggestion for's
> "standard map style" as by definition that's an International style.
> ** mostly in
> On 01/11/2015 10:18, tony wroblewski wrote:
> > I much prefer that style in your screengrab. It clearly shows what is
> > or isn't a motorway and I think it's almost universally accepted (In
> > Europe at least), that motorways are shown in blue.
> > 
> > The current problem I see with the new default style is that it's very
> > very difficult to now plan routes on a zoomed out map. I can't clearly
> > see, for example, what is or isn't a motorway around Birmingham.
> > Although the new theme looks nice, it is much less practical than the
> > old one
> > 
> > On 1 November 2015 at 11:02, Lester Caine <> wrote:
> >> On 31/10/15 21:51, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> >>> As for the remainder of your posting, about a "single base" and how all
> >>> this is somehow related to a few colours changing on the map, I
> >>> think you lost me there.
> >> 
> >> Answered the colour problem in the thread on New Map Style.
> >> 
> >> The problem with setting up a tile server is the GENERATION of the tiles
> >> and how that can be modified to provide the other element I've been
> >> banging on about. Viewing the UK at a point in time rather than simply
> >> providing what is the current often incorrect view of the country.
> >> (Roads around Coventry are still wrong while the older views were
> >> actually better). I switched from Apache to Nginx on the servers for the
> >> performance improvements it gives working with the PHP sites I manage,
> >> and it SHOULD be simple to get Nginx to front access to both the tile
> >> server and the editing tools for playing with the style sheets. It
> >> proxies everything else happily enough and serves all the PHP static
> >> material directly.
> >> 
> >> I got to
> >> but I
> >> need to pull the nice county boundary twiddle from the French style
> >> sheet now and work out why some mass 'farm' areas still display
> >> incorrectly. That one is a tagging problem in the data!
> >> 
> >> was where I was back in August,
> >> but I've not been able to get back to that since, and the current fire
> >> fighting will add further to that delay :(
> >> 
> >> --
> >> Lester Caine - G8HFL
> >> -----------------------------
> >> Contact -
> >> L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
> >> EnquirySolve -
> >> Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
> >> Rainbow Digital Media -
> >> 
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> >>
> >>
> > 
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