Hi again,

Today the Open Data Institute (ODI) launched an invitation to tender for a
share of a stimulus fund.

OSM UK has provided some early thinking / feedback in the development of
this and we are pleased to see OpenStreetMap so prominent within the tender
(especially given all the current buzz around the OS opening up more data).

Please share with your local authorities (i.e. the audience) and highlight
the benefit that OpenStreetMap can bring.

You will note the reference to a “Mapper in Residence” project as one of
the potential projects. This links nicely with the UK Talent Directory I
just emailed about. If this is of interest to you then please let me know
by signing up to the UK Talent Directory:


# Aim
The purpose of the fund is to grow the public sector’s understanding of how
to collect, publish and use open geospatial data, with a specific focus on
collaborative approaches.

# Audience
UK upper tier and lower tied local authorities, in partnership with local
or national OpenStreetMap communities or chapters, local open data groups,
or civil society groups.

# Example activities
The types of activities the ODI are looking to fund include:

   - Projects that might help to demonstrate the onward benefits of the
   Open MasterMap, e.g. by highlighting the types of derived data that will be
   easier to release, or through use of infrastructure such as the OS Open
   Zoomstack trial
   - Collaborative projects that enable local government GIS, planning and
   other service delivery teams to learn more about OpenStreetmap and how it
   could support local service delivery, e.g. via a “Mapper in Residence”
   - Projects to import openly licensed geospatial data into OpenStreetMap
   or similar platforms, that can be easily extended into other local areas of
   the country
   - Community based mapping activities, e.g. using services like Wheelmap
   in a mapathon, to help enrich collaboratively maintained maps with
   information that might inform local policy development
   - Creation of guides and tools to enable local businesses and
   communities to more easily contribute to their local maps

# Value
Up to 4 awards, ranging from £15-25k depending on the number of awards

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