Sorry. I've been forgetting about this mailing list again. So if it's not too 

TONIGHT! (Wed 23rd) Deptford Mapping Evening
join us for some mapping around Deptford. Time for some serious mapping in a 
lesser mapped bit of East London!

We'll be meeting outside the train station (exit under the railway bridge) here 
on the map:  and then later from 8pm we'll be at the Dog and 
Bell pub here on the map:

So the schedule is...
6:45 - Meet outside the exit of Deptford Train Station. Rob will be loitering. 
Look out for this man: - Set off mapping on your own or with the guided 
8:00 - Meet at the Dog and Bell pub. Consume beers & Food. Discuss plans to map 
the world!

11:00pm - closing time

You can go ahead and map an area by yourself. You don't even need to meet us at 
the meeting place in fact. Just choose a slice of the cake:
We're doing detailed mapping of shops along Deptford High Street.

Guided tour? If you're new to this, you might prefer to go with Rob while he 
walks and talks, describing the kind of data we collect for OpenStreetMap. 
Contact him in advance to let him know if you're interested in it (it's useful 
to count up who's found us and who to look out for)

Alternatively just meet in the pub at 7:30. Hopefully we can get a table, 
although this pub might be quite small.

Additionally you can sign up on Lanyrd if you like: (We expect between 5 and 10 
people, but most people don't bother signing up)

Also coming Wed 30th Sep ...#geomob

As always the events are listed on the wiki

And tweeted about from

Harry Wood

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