Hi lists,

Sadly, I don’t foresee much future involvement with OSM, so I’m looking
for someone to take over moderation of talk-gb-thenorth.

You only have to see the months missing from the archives[1] to see that
it is a very low traffic list. (The two messages last year were from me
forwarding event details—is it worth keeping the list running?) Mostly
it’s just discarding spam (or leaving it to be automatically discarded),
and IIRC there hasn’t been a spark to ignite a flame since the list was

Tim Waters (aka Chippy) is also a moderator.

[1]: http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-gb-thenorth/

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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