A roundup of plans for this weekend in Wolverhampton.

I will be at LUGRadio [1] live all day Saturday. Speaking about OSM at 3pm
but plan to do some mapping during the morning as a method of producing an
informal map of the venue. If you want to help me/meet up give me a call and
I'll come out. The event is sold out so you won't get in unless you already
have a ticket.

Because the Saturday venue doesn't have exhibition space we can't put on an
OSM display of any kind. Therefore the proposal is to move the mapping
efforts primarily to Sunday's OggCamp [2] at the nearby Connaught Hotel.
I'll announce that a mapping event/party will be on the list for Oggcamp
during my Saturday talk (and to those I meet and greet on Saturday
individually) so I would expect a good showing, especially if the 4 lads
discuss OSM in their live radio show as they did last time.

On Sunday the doors open at the Connaught at 10:30 but I'll be at the hotel
from 10:00 with the anyone else who can muster the energy (clocks change
don't forget) in order to think about where to map and how to organise
anyone that wants to have a go.

I'll have a dozen GPS's available and will print a few walking papers sheets
out for use as well. We should have wifi access at the Hotel.

Hope to see as many of you as possible over the weekend. LUG groups have
traditionally been a strong source of both mappers and coders for the
project so I'm sure it will be worthwhile.

Hope you can come and enjoy the informal fun.


0777 553 7872 

[1] http://www.lugradio.org/live/2009/
[2] http://oggcamp.org/

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