Can I propose to move this discussion to the forum, as, IMHO, more people
monitor it and they will be very interested in such news.

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 11:53 AM, Moshe Sayag <> wrote:

> The license of Tel-Aviv state specifically that you are free to process
> the data:
> ‫הנך חופשי לבצע‬
>    - ‫להעתיק, לפרסם, להפיץ ולשדר את המידע.‬
>    - ‫להכשיר ולעבד את המידע.‬
>    - ‫לנצל את המידע לכל מטרה חוקית בהתאם לדין.‬
> The FAQ in the gov site answers that no special permission is required:
>  אני רוצה לפרסם מידע שמצאתי באתר, האם צריך אישור מיוחד?
> המידע פתוח לשימוש חופשי ולא נדרש כל אישור מיוחד.
>  כיצד ניתן להשתמש במידע שמופיע באתר?
> המידע הינו חופשי וניתן להשתמש בו בכל דרך, בכפוף לתנאי השימוש.
> The only issue I see, with both sources, is the requirement to give
> credit, which is reasonable, but I don't know how it can be done in OSM
> Moshe
> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Tzafrir Cohen <>wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 11:17:34AM +0200, Moshe Sayag wrote:
>> > Little by little, some governmental and municipal data in Israel is
>> > released for use under open licenses.
>> >
>> > Some of this data has geographic value that can be embed in OSM.
>> >
>> > Is there any active effort in that direction?
>> > Does anyone see any reason why not to do it?
>> >
>> > sources:
>> >
>> >
>> That specific data set coms with a license:
>> IANAL, but from what I undrstand, the licnse dos not grant you th right
>> to change the information, which may man that drivative work is not
>> allowed. If that is the case, it is surely incompatible with OSM's
>> license. It also has a clause which is somewhat close to requiring that
>> you do no evil.
>> Maybe they'll relicense it if asked nicely.
>> has some othere interesting datasets:
>> - th public transport data.
>> I'm not exactly sure what its license is.
>> --
>> Tzafrir Cohen         | | VIM is
>> |                    | a Mutt's
>> |                    |  best
>>    |                    | friend
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