[OSM-talk] Error: Osm2pgsql Error Importing latest Planet!! OUT of MEMORY

2011-07-13 Per discussione Saphy Mo
Dear experts, I tried importing whole Planet into Postgis Database using osm2pgsql.exe. After 7 days, I have got the Out of Memory error in slim mode. RAM: 16 GB (Windows 7   64) Harddisk 1 TB. The command was: osm2pgsql.exe -d Planet --latlong --slim -c -C 1500 -H localhost -P 5432 -U osm -W 

[OSM-talk] Unkown Node Type 8 by Planet import

2011-07-05 Per discussione Saphy Mo
Good Morning. to day I tried to import Planet_Latest.osm.bz2 into database named Planet of  Potgis_template. I used osm2pgsql, as usual, to import this planet file, but there is error very fast after start the process as follows: reading in File: Planet_Latest.osm.bz2 Error: ' Unknown Node

[OSM-talk] SOS. no green area in map using StyleSheet mapnik

2011-06-17 Per discussione Saphy Mo
Hallo, I used Mapnik and osm.xml as default StyleSheet. There are not any green ara on the map. Please let me know, where can I get a better StyleSheet like map of OpenStreetMap.org ? Please see the Attachment. Thanks, Saphy attachment:

[OSM-talk] OSM Uniteed State part 00 and part 01

2011-06-16 Per discussione Saphy Mo
* americas.osm.bz2.part.00 (3814.7M) * americas.osm.bz2.part.01 (2590.9M)Dears, on the website ' http://downloads.cloudmade.com/americas#downloads_breadcrumbs ' there are two files for USA. as part 00 and 01. But I don't know how should I combine them. Please let me know, what

[OSM-talk] Coastline anf blau background

2011-06-15 Per discussione Saphy Mo
Dear experts, I rendered some area by mapnik from  France and Germany derived from Europe.osm.bz2. But some part of them are blue. is it some problem with small coast line in this case? or no, that is because of some thing else? please see the attachment. Thank you in advance, Saphy

[OSM-talk] Wrong Background in Germany MAP

2011-06-14 Per discussione Saphy Mo
Dears, i rendered a tile from Gemany using mapnik from a small area as  BBX= 7.8828125, 48.6909603909254, 8.1375, 48.8823727870095 But the result is blue as you see in attachment. What is the reason of that, and what should we do? regards, Saphyattachment:

[OSM-talk] Import OSM2PGSQL error to databse Europe

2011-06-10 Per discussione Saphy Mo
Dears, I tried again to Import europe.osm.bz2 into Database postgis, but I have got again our of memory error. Please see the attachment as reference. Pendig_ways faild : out of memory attachment: errorOSM.GIF___ talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Blue color in part of MAP by MAPNIK

2011-06-09 Per discussione Saphy Mo
Please see attachment png Dear friend, I produced a MAP by Mapnik in Boarder of France and Germany directly from Database FRANCE of france.osm.bz2. But part of maps are colored blue, as you see in attachment. Only new boarder but inside the country it is blue. Please let me know about the

[OSM-talk] Osmosis and Mapnik

2011-06-09 Per discussione Saphy Mo
Dear friend, why osmosis is able to work with PostgreSQL database? Is it designed for import in purpose of rendering by Mapnik? can osmosis be any other equivalent tool for oms2pgsql? regards, saphy___ talk mailing list talk@openstreetmap.org

[OSM-talk] osm2pgsql for 64-bit

2011-06-09 Per discussione Saphy Mo
For windows 64 there is need of osm2pgsql for 64-bit.is there any version of that available for users? regards, Saphy___ talk mailing list talk@openstreetmap.org http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk