[Talk-de] State of the Map 2009 - Schedules Released

2009-05-28 Per discussione Nick Black
Hello, This is my first post to the German list - I don't speak or read German, so please go easy on me ;-). I'm Nick, an OSM-Foundation Board member - one of the things I work on with the Board is the State of the Map. I want to let you all know about the State of the Map - OpenStreetMap's

[Talk-it] State of the Map 2009 - Amsterdam

2009-04-20 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
ciao, il gruppo di lavoro su State Of The Map mi ha chiesto di inoltrarvi la seguente nota. - Affrettatevi a prenotare il vostro alloggio ad amsterdam. Luglio è alta stagione e le camere a basso prezzo non saranno facili da trovare - ma prenotando ora, sarete ancora in grado di

[Talk-de] State of the Map 2009: Billigtarif (naja) noch bis Sonntag

2009-03-26 Per discussione Frederik Ramm
Hallo, noch bis Sonntag kann man sich zum early bird-Tarif (von 85 Euro fuer die gesamte Konferenz bzw. 50 Euro fuer Samstag/Sonntag, inkl. T-Shirt und Essen) fuer die SOTM 2009 in Amsterdam anmelden: http://www.stateofthemap.org/register-now/ Nach Ablauf der Frist kostet es dann 100/75

[Talk-GB] State of the Map 2009 registration

2009-03-26 Per discussione Matthew Newton
Hi all - Forwarded message from Mike Collinson about SOTM09 registration below. Cheers, Matthew --8--- Early bird registration for State of the Map 2009 ends this Sunday 29th, March. OpenStreetMap's Third Annual International

[talk-ph] State of the Map 2009

2009-03-25 Per discussione Mike Collinson
Dear Philippines' mappers, Early bird registration for State of the Map 2009 ends this Sunday 29th, March. OpenStreetMap's Third Annual International OpenStreetMap Conference is in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 10th - 12th, 2009. It is a great opportunity to meet your fellow mappers from

Re: [talk-ph] State of the Map 2009

2009-03-25 Per discussione Eugene Alvin Villar
I'm actually curious to see last year's slides. :-) As for this year, who wouldn't love to go to Amsterdam? The problem is the moolah. I guess Enthropia is planning to talk about the Boracay mapping project there. The general state of OSM in the Philippines can be included as an intro/addendum.

[OSM-talk-nl] State Of The Map 2009 - registratie open!

2009-03-11 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
Ha allemaal, State Of The Map 2009 - het kan toch niemand ontgaan zijn - zal op 10, 11 en 12 juli in Amsterdam plaatsvinden. Preciezer, in het fonkelnieuwe congrescentrum van de gemeente Amsterdam. We hopen natuurlijk op een buitenproportioneel grote Nederlands/Belgische vertegenwoordiging :)

[Talk-it] State of the Map 2009

2009-02-16 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
State of the Map 2009 ospitato nei Paesi Bassi Amsterdam, 9 febbraio 2009 - La Fondazione OpenStreetMap è lieta di annunciare che l'annuale conferenza State of the Map avrà luogo ad Amsterdam dal 10 al 12 luglio 2009. State Of The Map 2009 è la terza conferenza internazionale organizzata dalla

[Talk-es] State of the Map 2009, en Amsterdam

2009-02-09 Per discussione Iván Sánchez Ortega
Hola a todos, Escribo únicamente para hacerme eco de una nota de prensa de la OpenStreetMap Foundation: --- El State of the Map 2009 se celebrará en los Países Bajos Amsterdam, 9 de febrero de 2009. La Fundación OpenStreetMap ha anunciado que la conferencia anual State of The Map

Re: [Talk-es] State of the Map 2009: Amsterdam

2008-12-16 Per discussione Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio
Iván Sánchez Ortega Enviado el: lun 15/12/2008 23:55 Para: talk-es@openstreetmap.org Asunto: [Talk-es] State of the Map 2009: Amsterdam Hola a todos, Acaban de anunciar en la lista en inglés dónde se va a celebrar el State of the Map 2009. Al final no ha salido para adelante la propuesta de