Re: [OSM-ja] Japan post code polygons

2015-01-29 スレッド表示 Tom Lee
Unfortunately the school address column does not include the postal code in either of these files. Here's sample output from ogrinfo. At this point I'm afraid I don't have many good ideas about how to finish this work, unless someone else from the Japanese mapping community has a suggestion.

Re: [OSM-ja] Japan post code polygons

2015-01-26 スレッド表示 Tom Lee
Update: I have spent some time experimenting with the Census shapefiles, and it seems as though one of their ID fields might be usable for joining census polygons into postal code polygons. Specifically: shp2pgsql -W SJIS h22ka13115.shp tokyo1 | psql japan echo create table tokyozip as select