There seems to be some momentum in the development for the rendering of
the main OSM style osm carto.

Have you noticed any oddities or bugs in Korea?

Maybe it's a good time to sumbit a ticket to change the horrible font
for Korean? What do you suggest? The Nanum Gothic from Naver is under a
free license and is AFAIK the only suitable candidate.
Is the place to post issues. I could do that but wanted your input for
anything font related.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.36.0
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2015 22:01:34 +0100
From: Matthijs Melissen <>
To: OpenStreetMap <>, osm-dev List

Dear all,

Today, v2.36.0 of the openstreetmap-carto stylesheet has been
released and rolled out to the servers. It might
still take a couple of days before all tiles show the new rendering.

Changes include:

* Major rewrite of road and railway rendering, as part of Mateusz
Konieczny's Google Summer of Code project. See
for more information.
* Added rendering of the following tags:
  - amenity=fountain
  - amenity=car_wash
  - historic=wayside_cross and man_made=cross
  - shop=bag
  - shop=outdoor
  - power=plant (labels)
* Changed rendering of the following objects:
  - Placenames (new algorithm for deciding what placenames to render
on low zoomlevels)
  - Road shields
  - Oneway arrows
  - Glaciers
  - Marina labels
  - Station labels
* Dropped rendering of the following tags:
  - amenity=car_sharing (not relevant for the general public)
  - shop=antique (use shop=antiques)
  - shop=betting (use shop=lottery or shop=bookmaker)
  - shop=delicatessen (use shop=deli)
  - shop=dive (use shop=scuba_diving)
  - shop=fish (use shop=seafood, shop=pet, shop=angling or
  - shop=gambling (use shop=lottery, shop=bookmaker, or
  - shop=insurance (use office=insurance)
  - shop=pharmacy (use office=pharmacy)
  - shop=bags (use shop=bag)
* Various other bug fixes and minor improvements.

For a full list of commits, see

As always, we welcome any bug reports at

-- Matthijs

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