
After much coding the last few weeks and a productive meeting last
weekend we've finally got the AND transition into a useful state. On
the one hard we have the datafile necessary to delete the appropriate
stuff from the current planet, and the AND data in the right form to
load up. (All in SVN, anyone can run it).

The next step is to basically test the upload itself. Over the next
few days I hope to test osmosis against an actual database to see how
it works.

After that we're in the hands of an admin to do the final loading for
us. I'm not sure who would be the best to approach for this. I intend
to make it as easy as possible for them, we just need a volunteer :)

As for timing, shortly after the planet dump is produced is best, to
reduce version skew. Which means hopefully either next wednesday, or
the wednesday after. Starting from near a dump also gives us a base to
work from in case everything goes pear shaped.

For the gory details:

Thanks to all the people who put in the work! And AND for the data ofcourse!

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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