Want to work for the things you love to do (OSMing)?  Apply as HOT
Haiti Coordinator.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kate Chapman <k...@maploser.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 6:17 PM
Subject: [HOT] HOT Haiti Coordinator
To: hot <h...@openstreetmap.org>

Hi All,

One of the other topics we discussed was better building a database of
skills of deployable people.  Currently word of mouth has been how
most people have gotten involved in fieldwork.  This has worked well
so far, but we are leaving out people who might be interested.
Additionally many of our projects have a long run-up and then we have
to figure out who is available when they finally go through.  This has
been the case in Haiti in particular.

Currently there are a couple different possible projects in Haiti to
continue our work there.  We are not sure of the exact time-frame yet
but wanted to start collecting information from people who might be

I posted a position up here:

Basically we need someone both familiar in OSM, GIS and working with
teams. Fluency French and English is very important as well (so I
certainly won't be applying;)).

So check it out and if you think you are interested drop us a line



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