Hi guys,

The folks over at MapBox has created a neat map showing the linear ways in
the OSM database colored by the last editor. ITO World has created such
maps for a long time now, but MapBox made it into a worldwide, slippy,
zoomable version.

The Map itself: http://bl.ocks.org/lxbarth/raw/6545162/
Blog post: http://www.mapbox.com/blog/osm-community-visualized/

Some highlights:

Totor's work on Cebu is quite obvious:

Ian's handiwork in San Pablo and Los BaƱos is visible:

Metro Manila and the surrounding area is expectedly colorful:
http://bl.ocks.org/lxbarth/raw/6545162/#11/14.5680/121.0532 but Maning's
orange-pink is dominant in Marikina, Rally's light green in Taytay, and I
am apparently assigned a light yellow. :)

G-eMapper's work in Cabanatuan area is striking:

docsam is starting to dominate in Davao City:
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