Hi guys,

During the State of the Map 2013 held last September in Birmingham, UK,
Neil Taylor of ITP presented their project called FixMyBarangay. Here's the
abstract of the presentation:

FixMyBarangay lets residents of Cebu city, in the Philippines, report
> potholes or broken streetlights to the authorities by text. A pilot
> project, funded by the World Bank, was implemented in 2013 by mySociety and
> ITP. It focusses on two barangays, or small districts, within Cebu and uses
> mySociety's FixMyStreet platform integrated with an SMS gateway. At the
> start of the project, OSM maps didn't cover all the small alleyways of the
> target areas, so ITP set up two mapping parties -- one for each barangay.
> People turned up, alleys got mapped. It turns out all it takes to map a
> community is a few locals with pens and paper, some GPS devices, and
> uncontainable Filipino enthusiasm.

The aforementioned mapping parties happened last year on May 5 and May 12.
Here's Neil's announcement to this mailing list:

Here's a recently uploaded video of Neil's presentation:

Maning, Rally, and I also met Neil and a few of his colleagues from ITP and
also World Bank last year (May and October) to talk about the work done by
World Bank and ITP in using open data such as OSM.

If I remember correctly, their Metro Manila project directly resulted in
the compilation of Metro Manila public transport routes and which resulted
to the recently concluded Philippine Transit App Challenge:

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