Re: [Talk-se] highway=trunk in Sweden

2021-01-24 tråd Andreas Vilén
There are also roads tagged trunk that are a part of the "nationell stamväg" net of roads, also E routes, but are parts of an industrial area, like here: They look like this in reality and no one would bat an eye if someone were to cross it by

Re: [Talk-se] highway=trunk in Sweden

2021-01-23 tråd Johan
Hi Brian, På motorväg och motortrafikled är gångtrafik förbjuden. (9 kap 1 § trafikförordningen) From:

Re: [Talk-se] highway=trunk in Sweden

2021-01-23 tråd Brian M. Sperlongano
Given this, can you comment specifically on an example? OSM way and photo below: Should that way get tagged with any of the following