AFAIK, GTFS feeds do not themselves have any sort of unique ID. However, as previously noted, it's a reasonably safe assumption that an agency_id will be unique across GTFS feeds within its geographical area. I know that's not a guarantee, but I don't see what else we could do here given the source.


On 2018-01-19 04:40, Wiklund Johan wrote:
But then how would an outsider know what the operator code or ID is,
and where this operator+id is unique? If GTFS data is the source of
your OSM stops, I would say a dataset reference is far more relevant
than operators or network since the ID is unique in a GTFS dataset,
but only in that dataset.

Overlapping datasets always cause problems of course, but only if they
are not properly referenced.

Johan Wiklund
Data manager

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Davidson []
Sent: fredag 19. januar 2018 04.12
Subject: Re: [Talk-transit] Uploading public transport data on OSM

On 19/01/18 01:32, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
Agreed; ref:gtfs just won't work, and ref:OPER probably would.

I had always thought that ref was the public facing reference that is
used (ie: what's on the bus stop sign) and in the GTFS scheme this is
stop_code. The stop_id is supposed to be unique and is not necessarily
the same as stop_code. Looking at taginfo the most common way to tag
stop_id seems to be gtfs_id.

So if there is more than one stop_id for a stop (ie: appears in more
than one GTFS feed) I would have thought something like:


I have read elsewhere that some mappers prefer to use NETWORK, rather
than OPERATOR, because their systems get put up for tender for
operation on a regular basis so NETWORK is more persistent.

I was wondering if there are more than one stop_id is it worthwhile
tagging something like this:


So that the data consumers will find multiple values under gtfs_id and
know to look for an operator or network value. Or is it better to
leave it blank? I guess it would depend on whether or not you have put
qualified gtfs_id's on everything or just the shared stops.

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Stephen Sprunk      "Those people who think they know everything
CCIE #3723         are a great annoyance to those of us who do."
K5SSS                                             --Isaac Asimov

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