
I'll try to check the bus routes in Malagá. [1] I haven't checked them for a long time because I have been busy with other mapping tasks and because there were many changes in the central area of Málaga. The bus routes changed too often. Now it seems to be stabilizing, there are less and less changes, and I thought it would be a good time to check the mapping. I'd like to ask you something first.

When we started mapping the bus routes in Málaga, Alan Grant and I came to the conclusion that it was not necessary to add "stop_area" relations due to the type of bus stops in Málaga, [2] where there are no actual stop areas (only a stop position in the own road and a pole on the sidewalk usually).

Is that solution correct? Should we add "stop_area" relations at every bus stop position? I would have to create a lot of additional relations, only with the stop position and the platform features. I am not sure if that would be reasonable/useful for any purpose. What do you think?

Thank you!



[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Bus_routes_in_M%C3%A1laga

[2] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ES_talk:Rutas_de_bus_en_M%C3%A1laga#Uso_de_la_relaci.C3.B3n_.22stop_area.22 (in Spanish)

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