On 11 April 2018 at 19:38, Roland Hieber <li...@rohieb.name> wrote:
> However, a main reason why the Public Transport schema was adopted [1]
> was exactly this differentiation between stop position on the route and
> platform position/waiting area for the passengers.  This was done to
> increase the expressiveness of OpenStreeMap data, and to make
> information more easier obtainable for routing software.  After all, the
> two things are at different positions, and you cannot generally infer
> the one from the other.  Reverting to the old schema would therefore
> take away that expressiveness.
> [1]: 
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Public_Transport#Goal_of_this_public_transport_proposal

If the waiting area is mapped as a node, it can be projected on the
road or rail, thus making a separate stop position node on the road or
rail unnecessary.

However, I think it is not very straightforward that this node is
proposed to be tagged public_transport=platform and a possible
physical platform highway=platform. In my opinion, tagging the waiting
area node only highway=bus_stop or railway=tram_stop would be much
less confusing. Besides these tags are self-explanatory. (And, as you
wrote, these tags will probably remain needed for rendering purposes
for a long time to come. Why double tagging then?)

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