
On 4/30/2010 5:48 PM, Richard Welty wrote:
> the first two have to do with routing:
> 1) setting highway classifications and maxspeed properly
I do not know what parametres Lambertus uses but the option is there. In 
the same matter mkgmap has an option to reduce the speed around lights. 
I generate my own maps and can definitely see difference depending on if 
I use those options or not.
> 2) connectivity at administrative borders
I spent quite a time cleaning those issues in MI.
> and the third is...
> 3) POIs
>         what i don't know is if mkgmap handles POIs entered as polygons
>       instead of points. i've entered a couple of POIs as building polygons
>       and am looking forward to finding out.

Yes it does, assuming that those are defined in the style used by Lambertus.

If you are interested in trying the various options for routing listed 
in 1) let me know your area and I can generate a map using this week's 



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