One of the first times I remember having a similar thought of "how do
I tag this?" was with the office supply store Staples. I ended up
using shop=office but doing a quick XAPI query now I see that out of
the ~250 Staples shops mapped, the tags look like this like this:
      6 office_supply
     17 office
     23 office_supplies
     26 supermarket
    134 stationery

Plus a bunch of random ones.

Now the wiki does say shop=stationary is for "office supplies" but I
suspect this tag has British origins and they weren't thinking of this
kind of office super-store that sells computer software and hardware
and office furniture in addition to the post-it notes, staples and
paper products that might fit under my understanding of the word

So I wouldn't be opposed to coming up with some suggested tag values
for large retail chains to help keep them consistent. Of course the
trick is to get people to agree on tags :)


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