A discussion has arisen regarding the proper tagging of this bicycle route.  I 
thought it would be interesting to get some input from the community.  The 
East Coast Greenway is a bike route that has been developed by the private 
nonprofit East Coast Greenway Alliance.  The Greenway is a developing network 
that runs the entire east coast of the US.

The question is what network level should it, if at all, be tagged.  
Currently, there are three network levels, local/regional/national that have 
been used.  In other countries, these apply to different levels of government 
that officially sanction the cycle route. In the US there are several bicycle 
routes that are sanctioned by AASHTO.  In contrast, an analagous tag for 
hiking networks applies these levels simply according to the spatial extent of 
the hiking trail and optionally adds a operator tag for the organization that 
plans and maintains the trail.

Any preference in the community for how one should tag privately sanctioned 
bicycle routes of large extent?


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