On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 5:36 PM, Rihards <ric...@nakts.net> wrote:

> On 2016.12.09. 00:44, Elliott Plack wrote:
> > You mean these things aren't?pasted1
> no. here the road is physically making a circle, and you cannot cross
> the middle section - it should be mapped as a separate way, not a single
> node.

A long time ago with Potlatch 1, I would not have been able to make these
separate ways.  Thinking back to those days, I like it when knew mappers
use the mini_roundabout to mark the area shown by Elliot.  When I get a
chance, I expand these nodes to a separate way.  I make sure that I keep
the node as apart of the new separate way for history's sake.   I do the
same for mappers that mark a swimming pool with one node.  It gives me a
chance to build on other mapper's work in a positive way.

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