Albert Pundt <> wrote:
> It seems another editor by the name of Fluffy89502 is going around doing 
> similar edits all over the US, even demoting divided, multi-lane roads. Other 
> users have commented on his changesets and he cites the wiki's wording.

Ugh, I don't like to complain about specific Contributors, but for Fluffy89502, 
I'll make an exception.  He seems to be based out of the Greater Los Angeles 
area (based on what appears to be decent work under the same name in Wikipedia) 
and changes road classifications in a way that makes it sound like a religious 
sermon (based on some federal standard, which to me seems both obscure and 
not-living-in-this-reality).  He also made an unholy mess out of landuse around 
the Mojave Desert with landuse=heath in a way that was more like "pollution" 
instead of "vandalism."  His changeset comments are MOST unhelpful, being very 
generic like "landuse" (and that's all he wrote).

I have written to him several (many?) times in changeset comments and via 
missive, yet I think I've only received two responses, both rather curt and 
smug.  One was "I guess I better not do that anymore" (after I admonished him 
for vast natural=heath and natural=scrub messes that I redacted) — and then he 
went right ahead and started doing it again, the other was a sort of 
chapter-and-verse "sermon" on how certain (obscure) federal highway standards 
"absolutely" apply on roads I frequently drive (no, they don't).

He'll only map something if it renders:  he's much more interested in "seeing" 
his work than he is in getting it right.

I'm very heartened to see the greater community talking about "problem editors" 
in a larger (and louder) context.  While I'm no fan of edit wars, let's keep up 
the vigilance and good work to remain as civil as we can with these folks.  
Sometimes, with patience and a sort of 
mentoring-while-not-appearing-to-be-mentoring, they can be shaped into great 
contributors, other times, they are stubborn and don't really belong in our 

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