That just reminded me... Chicago and Tulsa have city routes.  And
these edge cases (city routes and state secondary/supplemental routes,
especially oddball (Oregon) and extreme (Texas) cases) make for great
prepwork to render cycleway network trailblazers (which tend towards
obscenely diverse in much of the US).

Please! At least in the USA (and here we are in the talk-us pages), a very simplified beginning to this approach really should start with the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) standards for bicycle route signage. This is already well-referenced in OSM's wiki here:

Beginning with only two shields (perhaps three, perhaps four beginning in California with local routes) will keep this MUCH simplified while still adhering to widely-adopted standards (again, at least in the USA).

The ncn (national) route shield is shown in that wiki section as ncn_ref, and the rcn (statewide) route shield is shown in that section as rcn_ref. MANY if not MOST states (I don't have a source, just a gut feeling) use these. These would be the better "seed" two to start with (in my strongly-held opinion).

THEN, there are local signs. That wiki section shows the generic green "Bike Route" sign (that exact text below the bicycle glyph) as appropriate for ways tagged with "bicycle=yes" but this does not fully capture how to sign local route NUMBERS in an lcn network, which are rapidly emerging, especially in California. To wit, the Bay Area is becoming rich and well-connected with actual and proposed local and regional bicycle networks which rather nicely display in Cycle Map layer. Some are deployed and signed (like San Francisco), some are deployed and not signed (or well-signed, like VTA/South Bay/San Jose/Silicon Valley), some are just getting started and are proposed only (display in Cycle Map as dashed lines, like Santa Cruz).

True, for LOCAL bike routes, there is wide variation. However, I can say that the MUTCD does allow the "SG45" sign designation for local bike routes in California. This is a portrait-orientation rectangular sign of white background and dark green border trim, with an oval inside of that, again with a dark-green border trim. The lower two-thirds of the oval is dark green and shows the bicycle glyph in the center in white, and a number (one, two or even three digit) in the bottom (again, in white on the dark green background of the lower two-thirds of the trimmed oval). The upper one-third of the oval is white, and designated "City Bike Route" in a cursive script of dark green. Well, this is in the generic MUTCD depiction: specific cities put something specific to that city in the upper third of the oval. For example, San Francisco's (excellent) lcn (local cycleway network) has a Golden Gate Bridge logo in the top third of the oval.

You can see this here: although that is in monochrome, the green and white version is nicer, and should be used for a local bike route shield if that is what is desired, but I can't easily find a color/green-and-white version on line.

See Cycle Map layer in the US (in fact, take a look at the Bay Area of California here: Do zoom in (especially San Francisco) to see numbering, as at zoom=9 it's a pretty wide-area view and only shows (proposed) national route 95.

Andy Allan, author of Cycle Map layer, is currently using rather plain-looking landscape-orientation rectangles with numbers (or sometimes letters as abbreviations of named bicycle routes), but he does get the colors "right" to correspond to various levels of the hierarchy (red = national, light blue = regional, or statewide in the USA, and dark blue = local). While these suffice nicely (for now), he might be informed to read this thread and consider merging a future Cycle Map layer shield improvement scheme with Phil! Gold's (excellent so far, but clearly in the earlier, though now-better-known-as-it-is-being-more-widely-discussed phase) shield improvement scheme. Andy's contact information is info (at) gravitystorm (dot) co (dot) uk.

Delighted to discuss this,

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