Hello fellow OSM-ers,


Well, I really wish I had some better news; I've been meaning to do a
write-up/re-cap of SOTM-US, work with the HOT Activation group (and other
HOT things), and a re-cap/case study of the Black Forest Fire mapping
response.  Unfortunately all that will continue to be on hold, while I hack
away at coordinating what has become a multiple fire mapping event.
Reminder, this is remote mapping only and lots of the new fires are in TIGER
deserts (or literally the middle of nowhere); so all the help you can lend
will be appreciated, please refer (and return frequently to) this page[1]
<http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/2013_Colorado_Wildfire_Season>  for
information; I'll be updating as much as possible, when I'm not mapping.






russdeffner on OSM


1. Colorado Wildfire Season 2013 Coordination Wiki:

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