This past weekend I wrote a generic shapefile to OSM converter (based on
specific converters from Dave and Matt). I was playing with it for my NHD
data and realized that my NHD->PostGIS import missed half the water bodies,
so I got distracted by that.

Anyway, if you have a relatively small area's worth of shapefile data that
you'd like to convert to OSM, let me know and I can post this script
somewhere. Basically, it converts all the data in the shapfile to nodes/ways
and then assigns the shapefile's attributes and values to those ways. Once
you have that, you can open it up in JOSM and use the Find tool to apply OSM
tags as you see fit.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 1:48 PM, Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 2008-07-14 at 10:37 -0700, Adam Layne wrote:
> > Karl Newman told me that you might be the person to show these
> > shapefiles to. I've been talking to someone at Mt. Hood National
> > Forest about their datasets, and I'd like to do the same for all the
> > national forests eventually. I don't have the technical expertise to
> > actually do any kind of conversions.
> The TIGER stuff was really a one-off thing for me.  I stole the code to
> do the conversion!!
> But, I'll see what I can do to track down getting these converted as
> well.  Thanks for chasing them down.
> Are those ftp locations going away any time soon?
> > Also, did you contact Metro about their data? I can try them again if
> > you don't want to, but I'm beginning to get the feeling that their
> > data was created by a private contractor.
> To some degree, it doesn't matter who created it.  The taxpayers paid
> for it to be created, and unless we got a serious price break for
> agreeing not to share it, we probably need to share it.
> -- Dave
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