Hello all,

MapQuest has pushed out three new developer tools for OSM. Hopefully you will find them useful.

Full details are here on the developer blog:

but to summarize:

- A running copy of Ian Dees' JXAPI plus a simple GUI based on Serge's UIXAPI - hopefully this will help spread the load and add one more XAPI instance to the pool

- This is something new. NPI stands for Nominatim Pre-Indexed. Its basically a "minutely mapnik" system for Nominatim. We dump the pre-indexed Nominatim database once a month here - so if you set up your own nominatim version, you no longer have to wait for days or weeks while your computer crunches through all the indexing. Then you can hookup your nominatim instance to NPI, and get the pre-indexed diffs..so once again you dont have the CPU load of doing the indexing, and can keep your nominatim instance up to date. We believe you should now be able to run nominatim on a reasonably powerful home-machine or a low end server.

- Nominatim has to check for broken polygons when it gets changes from OSM, and not ingest them. Twain has made Nominatim output the broken polygons to a list with messages as to what was wrong, and links to go fix them in the editors (JOSM & P2). once someone fixes a poly, it comes back into Nominatim a few minutes later, and then it gets removed from the list. Hopefully this will help people pinpoint erroneous polys and fix them quickly!

Feedback always appreciated, by email or on our forums. Hope these tools are useful!

Ant (the limey)

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