(Sorry for the re-post; forgot to include subject line.)

Here’s a quick update on plans for this year’s Geography Awareness Week[1],
which kicks off on 17 Nov. This year’s theme is ‘The Future of Food’ and
we’re targeting colleges/university communities across the country to host
events. If you have an affiliation with a college/university and are
willing to serve as local coordinator for an event, please use the wiki
page[2] to

   1. Add yourself as coordinator, and
   2. Describe plans for your event.

This is a great opportunity for the OpenStreetMap community to foster
greater connections in the academic community to increase awareness of
OpenStreetMap both as a tool for geographic education, as well as social
science and community service.

Suggested activities include mapping groceries, farmers markets, community
gardens, food distribution centers, identification of food deserts. There
may also be things we can digitize for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team or
US State Dept’s Mapgive. Your suggestions warmly welcomed.

Also, NGS has granted liberal use of their logos[3] for the event, so
please use them alongside OpenStreetMap logos in your promotional
-- SEJ
-- twitter: @geomantic
-- skype: sejohnson8

There are two types of people in the world. Those that can extrapolate from
incomplete data.
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