I am pleased to announce that the reimport of the New York State DEC Lands
shapefile that I began in May is now, as far as I can tell, complete. The
last step, auditing the website= and wikipedia= links for reasonableness,
is now done, from Accabonac Marsh to Zuckermann Natural Resource Area.

I'll monitor the NYSGIS web site occasionally for updates. The March 2016
version of the file that I used for the import is still current. (I expect
a new one Real Soon Now, because the Preston Ponds acquisition in the
Adirondacks does not appear in that version.) If I actually do it once in a
while, it'll be less of a slog.

Thanks, everyone, for your support in this endeavour. The map of
recreational lands in New York, particularly in the Adirondack and Catskill
Parks, looks better than ever, and much better than it did this spring.

Kudos in particular goes to Russ Nelson for clearing and performing the
original import. Without his example, I'd have had nothing to build on, and
wouldn't have known where to start. Special thanks also go to OSM user
'zeromap', who caught a good many bugs as the reimport was progressing. It
would surely have been much messier without his/her prompt problem reports.
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